Announcements :

Christmas Celebration on 21.12.2024 (Saturday)     II UNIT TEST COMMENCES FROM 18.12.2024    


DATE: 2nd SEPTEMBER , 2023

Parents Orientation was held in 2sessions for the 2nd year studentsat 9 am and for the 1st years at11 am.The Chief Guest for theday Mr. Leo Lobo who is thefounder and CEO of Exordia and aNeuro Linguistic programmer. Sr.Carmine our manager andcorrespondent and parent inviteeswere Mr. Satish Nagaraj andDr.Ashwini N were also presentfor the orientation.Mr. Leo Lobo spoke about howparents can keep up and maintaina relationship that is caring butnot overwhelming for both ofthem.After this regular pointers weregiven to the parents regardingcollege discipline and examregulations.