ST. CHARLES WOMEN’S PU COLLEGE is a minority institution established in 2004 by the Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo to establish and administer education institutions as per the provision of article 30 (1) of the constitution of India primarily to educate the girl child. The College is managed by the Allard Education Society, Bangalore, registered under the Mysore Societies Registration Act No. 17 of 1960

The Congregation of The Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo was founded in 1684 by Fr. Adrian Bresy, parish priest of Wez (Diocese of Tournai, Belgium) to impart Christian education to the poor children of his parish.

“Go, teach all nations……….” (Mt.28:19-20). Prompted by this injunction of Jesus Christ and being faithful to the initial charism of the congregation, the Sisters of St.Charles Borromeo continue to carry out the mission of building up God’s Kingdom.